4D Nucleome Hackathon

Project 1. Finding TF motifs implicated in Hi-C contacts through machine learning  •  (Presentation link)
Project 2. Inference of chromatin looping status from live cell imaging data  •  (Presentation link)
Project 3. In silico variant prioritization using sequence-based predictive models  •  (Presentation link)
Project 4. Integrative analysis of single-cell Hi-C datasets  •  (Presentation link)
Project 5. Evaluating the effects of Hi-C and TF on cis-regulation of gene expression  •  (Presentation link)
Project 6. Polymer model benchmarking  •  (Presentation link)
Project 7. Unveiling the role of epigenomic features on RNA splicing throughout neural development using machine learning  •  (Presentation link)
Project 8. SmellEnhancer: Integrating Machine Learning for Enhancer-based Olfactory Receptor Gene Regulation  •  (Presentation link)
Project 9. Building reproducible 3D genome simulations frameworks by populating the polymer model zoo  •  (Presentation link)

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